Contact the World using our Club Repeaters
VHF Repeater at 145.430 MHz (-600KHz) CTCSS tone 103.5Hz
UHF Repeater at 444.575 MHz (+5.0MHz) Fusion mode
We will be enabling WIRES-X by the end of November 2021. Check back here for an update.
The VHF repeater IRLP and Echolink links to the Internet:-VE3MIS IRLP node is 2998 VE3MIS-R EchoLink node is 404792.
10 GHz Beacon -VE3GHZ – on 10,368.448 MHz with 200 mW into an Alford slot centre-fed antenna from Grid FN03EO
VE3MIS Packet BBS 147.585 MHz SIMPLEX. Connect to the Packet BBS use SSID VE3MIS and Connect to the Winlink Gateway use the SSID VE3MIS-10.